
ADvice, sessions & gorgeous women

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Check out Miss R. from Minneapolis!! She is so stunning and she was so much fun to work with.   She is one of those girls that is just so sweet and down to earth! She is totally game for anything! She came into this shoot wanting to photograph the body suit which is one […]

Miss R. from Minneapolis


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In this empowerment session we decided to dive deep into words that have hurt us. We all have had some sort of words that have hurt us. So we had a group of women come in and write down words that they have been called. When they were done writing the words we asked them […]

Power Of Words Empowerment Session


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My last glitter photoshoot was with a dear friend Katie and we had glitter everywhere.  This girl is a chameleon with her looks and she is probably one of the funniest people I know! She is just down to earth but knows how to be goofy and loves musicals and she can sing as well. […]

Glitter, Glitter Everywhere!

Boudoir, Portraits

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My last glitter photoshoot was with a dear friend Katie and we had glitter everywhere.  This girl is a chameleon with her looks and she is probably one of the funniest people I know! She is just down to earth but knows how to be goofy and loves musicals and she can sing as well. […]

Glitter, Glitter Everywhere!

Boudoir, Portraits

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I know that this might be a bit vague of a title but I hope everyone after reading this will understand more about the Zebra Community or EDS.  EDS stands for Ehlers- Danlos Syndrome which is a connective tissue disorder.  Sara Guerts is a girl that I met here in Minneapolis and she has EDS . […]

Zebra Community- EDS

Boudoir, Portraits

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I want to hear a shout out for all the girls that have back dimples!!! The next person who contacted me about doing a glitter photoshoot was a girl who loves her back dimples.  Now I have to say that I normally don’t know to much about back dimples because I don’t have them, but […]

Who Has Back Dimples?

Boudoir, Glamour, Portraits

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I have to say that I am so jealous of girls with sexy collarbones, yes  I know that sounds crazy but for me it is sooooo true.  See my collarbones don’t pop at all so I love shadows and highlights that you can get off a collarbone.  And the neck can be so elegant as well, […]

Sexy Collarbones

Boudoir, Glamour, Portraits

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So if you know me… you know I love sparkles!!!! I have many a shirt that has sequins on it and when I paint my nails I always have to have the glitter nail polish! I know I am still a little girl at heart that loves shiny, sparkly things.  I have a love for […]

It’s About to Get All Sparkly Up In Here!

Boudoir, Glamour, Portraits

The Post

Do you ever feel like you are in a rut and just stuck and you wonder what happened to the person you once were?  Well  this beautiful woman came into my studio to find her sauciness.  She really didn’t need any help to be honest she just sizzled when the camera was pointed at her! […]

This Lady found her Sauciness in Minneapolis!


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So you know in the movies how after a sexy scene you always see the girl wrapped in the sheets and her hair is all tousled and  she looks so content and happy…  What is it about those white sheets? Now imagine being able to give your significant other pictures of you wrapped in a […]

Sexy White Sheets


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