women Owning their Beautiful

The blog


My Mother

  Let me tell you about my mom…. She is such a strong, loving, kind, tell it like it is, woman. She is a  nurturer,  so very smart, funny, sweet, and always supportive. She will ask the tough questions, but with love. She is creative, sparkly, and her smile lights up a room. She is […]

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A Brand New Space in Minneapolis!

Ohhhh goodness I am so excited to announce, that Andrea Baue Photography is now the proud owner of GB Studio 211 Co-op. I have been looking and waiting for just the perfect space that will allow me to offer you your dream shoot as well as help build a photo community in the area. This […]

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Amara’s Montana Senior Photos

Amara is such a dear beautiful girl with a heart of gold.  But the one thing that I admire about her the most is her sassiness and her ability to just be herself even if others may not approve.  She has the confidence that any 37 year old woman would love to have. Her heart […]

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Families & Children

Larry’s Birthday

My friend Larry had his big 30 this month and they had such a fantastic little BBQ. I of course brought my camera because “Junior” is so darn cute! Here are some fabulous pictures of the fun we had! I love celebrating birthdays with friends and loved ones.

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Nature and Landscapes

Wild Horses

Over Christmas we went back to Wyoming. The weather was so fantastic and one day we decided to go and see if we could find the wild horses that are around the area. We were very very lucky to find them and they even had a colt with them. These animals are so very beautiful […]

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Nature and Landscapes

Be Lucky

Hi all it is that time again for the blog circle from LIght Inspired Forum.  This month the theme is Be Lucky, there are so many things I feel lucky for such as my great family and jobs but I have to say that I feel lucky to live in this country and to be […]

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Families & Children

The Standford Family

While back in Wyoming for Christmas, some family wanted a few family pictures together. It was a very very cold morning and poor little Jaycey was not feeling like taking pictures. We ended up making it work though and Jaxon was such a little model I just loved it!

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Nature and Landscapes

Be A Dreamer

Happy new year everyone! I am really excited about what the new year is going to bring, I have started two new jobs and can’t wait to see what happens with them both. This is the another installment from Light Inspired Forum and Girl Hearts Camera blog circle. I love the beach and feel so inspired anytime […]

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Nature and Landscapes

Be A Dreamer

Happy new year everyone! I am really excited about what the new year is going to bring, I have started two new jobs and can’t wait to see what happens with them both. This is the another installment from Light Inspired Forum and Girl Hearts Camera blog circle. I love the beach and feel so inspired anytime […]

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Nature and Landscapes

Be Merry

Well it has been another crazy month and the holidays are almost over and it that time for another installment of Girl Hearts Camera and Light Inspired monthly blog circle. I am going to keep this short and sweet because it has been the holidays and I love to spend time with family. I love […]

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