Outside of Her Comfort Zone, She Shines!

 Ms. E came in this year for a boudoir  photoshoot.  She came in for her husband but ended up leaving with so much more! Here is how it went in her own words!  

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The pre-shoot: Originally, I wanted to do this photoshoot for my husband.I know he would treasure something like this as a gift. The more and more I talked with Andrea, I realized I needed this. I needed to see what my husband saw, I needed the confidence that came with this shoot. I was truly excited to just experience it all. Society has trained women to be so critical of themselves and its sounds so… liberating (not the exact word but close enough)!

I felt pretty lame answering the pre-shoot questionnaire. I didn’t have a lot of positive things to say about myself physically (although I think I’m a pretty fun, smart and quirky person!)

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 The day of: I walked in with only a few “parameters.” Natural hair and makeup (which was nailed!) And keeping things tasteful,  and respectful. Andrea was able to work her magic and give me gorgeous images. After the photoshoot I still had a little bit of weirdness. Like what did I just do!  But as time went on (same day!) I realized I NEEDED this. It was so much fun!

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Seeing the portraits:  At least 2 of my favorites are of me smiling.. like what?! I am not a smiley person so that is crazy awesome! Also though,  it was hard. It’s like having the truth right in front of your face so you can’t deny it. I can’t tear myself down when having evidence otherwise in front of me. It was such a beautifully uncomfortable experience seeing the images for the first time. But As a self proclaimed RBF girl, these images bring joy to me to see the beauty of my smile 🙂

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Anything else you want people to know?  Do it. Just do it. Be impulsive if need be. Put it on the calendar if need be. Just do it. -Ms. E. 

Ready for your own empowering boudoir shoot?  Contact me here!


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