From Nervous to Empowered – Ms. L’s Story

Ms. L had a boudoir session with Andrea Baue Photography check out what she had to say!

Her words were so sweet, this is what I noticed during her session. When Ms. L came in for her boudoir session  she was soooo nervous, you could see that she wasn’t sure what was going to happen. So we had her lay out all of her outfits, and we picked our favorites and the ones we had to photograph. She brought in such great looks and different styles!

As she was in hair and makeup we chatted about day to day life, she is quite busy with 4 children but you could see that with each laugh she started to relax a bit more.  By the end of the hair and makeup we were best friends! 

She was so nervous to put on her corset for her first look.  We helped her into it because you know corsets are harddddd!  And she stepped out with a stunning necklace and she looked like she belonged in Moulin Rouge.  Throughout the session as I would pose her you could see the tension just release and she was laughing and making jokes.  We would laugh so hard sometimes we had to really focus to get the serious images.

I feel so blessed to have a job where I get to watch women step out of their comfort zone and get more and more confident throughout the session. Ms. L had chosen to upgrade and add the  angel wings  for the last look and when she put them on, her face just lit up with a great big smile and she couldn’t stop swishing the wings.  Her strut into the white room would have out rivaled any lingerie model on the runway.  

At the end of the session after laughing and just having a day for herself you could see the radiance in her face. She walked out of the studio with such a pep in her step you could tell she felt amazing. She was so excited to come in and see her images two weeks later. As we looked at her images she just couldn’t believe it was her on the screen. She saw a confident, sexy, fun, woman who loved herself enough to pamper herself with a session. She  could not stop raving about the experience and just how comfortable she felt and the images showcased this.  As you can see in her review she thinks everyone should do one so if you are ready for your own empowering session, let’s chat! 


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