
Happy new year everyone! I am really excited about what the new year is going to bring, I have started two new jobs and can’t wait to see what happens with them both. This is the another installment from Light Inspired Forum and Girl Hearts Camera blog circle. I love the beach and feel so inspired anytime I am around the ocean, it is so powerful and just awe inspiring, I love dreaming on the beach.
be a dreamer

For me being a dreamer is magic, I wonder what if and so what would happen if I do…. I have finally gotten to that age where I am not afraid to go ahead and try something new and who cares if it doesn’t work out.


That is actually how I got one  of my jobs, if anyone knows me I am afraid to talk in front of an audience (adults)  in front of kids I am fine, but in front of an audience my voice gets all shaky and I turn red!  Well anyways creativeLIVE was doing a call for hosts and after only watching one creativeLIVE (if you don’t know who they are please check them out) I decided to try out. The funny thing was that they were going to be filming us live while we audition, so people on the web could watch us… kind of crazy for a person who is  really shy to begin with but I thought what the heck! 🙂

Washington water

Well hosting is not quite for me I discovered  (really hard work, and I give props to all of those that host) but I still fell in love with the place and I sort of stalked them and kept bothering them about other opportunities and sure enough one did arrive and I am now a contractor for creativeLIVE which I am thrilled about.
ocean water

Anyways all of that to say if you can dream it than you should do it.Even if it doesn’t work out exactly how you picture it, you will have gained experience and knowledge. For me experience and knowledge is power and what keeps me dreaming.

more ocean

I would love to know what it is that you dream about and what it is that is holding you back from achieving that dream? Please continue the circle by reading how my friend Kimberly interpreted this theme.

water is soothing


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