Baring it all, Literally!


First off I have to say the thank you for all of the love you have given me on my last blog about sharing some of my personal boudoir images.  If you want to read how  I decided to do a personal boudoir shoot click here.   I have to say this now before I show the pictures these are not work safe, there is nudity and nipples involved! So if you don’t want to see that please stop reading now!
This post is actually harder  and even more intimate to write than the last one because these photos that I will be sharing with today are the ones  that push me out of my comfort zone with viewing my body.  Now there is nothing wrong with being pushed out of your comfort zone, but sometimes it is really hard to recognize or accept your body.Andrea boudoir in Minneapolis

I struggle with pictures often because yes I realize that I am a big girl, I am plus size you don’t have to tell me that, but most often than not I am like holy crap when did I get so big when I look at myself in the pictures. I don’t like full length pictures of myself because heaven forbid I have rolls and a big belly, I also have a huge butt and thick thighs.  Most of the pictures I like of myself are from the chest up.  Which if you noticed in the last blog post most of those were of the face and at least waist high… But Teri pushed me when I was viewing these images to really take a look at the whole picture and to find something that I liked in each of the photos after talking about why I didn’t like the particular photos.

Red head curvy boudior

Sometimes you have to sit with it and revisit the images over and over to truly see how blessed and beautiful your body is.  So while I still may try and have negative talk in my head I am still trying to find the positive to focus on. Because the truth of the matter is that I am blessed, I have a body that allows me to get up each and every day and do what I need to do.  I need to recognize the beauty and wonder that is created everyday inside of me and in this body.

Body Chains in a black and white photo

With these  intimate photos I want to take a moment and let you know that yes I am still struggling to accept that this is my body in these photos but  I want to share the aspects of the pictures that I do like and I will continue to push myself to accept myself, not just parts of me, but all of me and to truly love who I am right now.

Torrid lingerie with stockings

I love the tights in this picture, finding tights or stockings can be difficult but I found some and they make me feel sexy!

Spank Me tattoo

I like the curve of my butt and my tattoos.

ladder panties on a curvy girl

This bra and panty set I adore, it is sexy on me!

curly hair sensual plus size girl

Cleavage for days!!

Confident nude photograph

At this point in the photo shoot I was completely naked and I was comfortable with it who knew that being photographed would allow you to be comfortable in your own skin. In this picture I feel like I look comfortable.

shadows and curves

I love my lips in this one.

body chains and a kiss of light

The Lighting on this picture is just to die for!

Sun room Nude picture

My hair I love in this picture as well my jawline.

Naturally curly hair

Those little curls….

 Body chain plus a garter skirt is hot

This body chain is so fun… I just remember Teri wearing it around while I was in makeup and it makes me smile.

profile with body chain topless

I like my profile in this picture.

couch arched back boudoir photoI love my foot that is pointing and remembering how much my back was arched makes me proud of this photo.

stairwell plus a window equals perfect light for boudior

My expression in this one I love!


Ok so those are all of my photos and yes these ones I still struggle with but even finding just the littlest  positive thing can help you feel better about the picture. I am starting to realize that my body may not be the ideal shape according to society but for me it is the only one I will ever get, and I can love it and cherish it and realize that this body holds a confident, sexy, beautiful, silly, intelligent, passionate woman.  If you would like to celebrate your beauty and celebrate your body please contact me here.


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