Why I Photograph Boudoir

Why Boudoir Photography?

For me, boudoir photography is a celebration of your body and who you truly are right now at this very moment.  You will never be the exact same person as you are today! I take pride in being able to help show women how to celebrate their bodies, their battles as well as their victories that they’ve been through so far in life.

I started shooting boudoir photography because I believe that every person has beauty in them. I believed I could show any person that beauty through my camera. Women tell me all of the time,  they feel they can’t look “that beautiful” because they dont look like a model, weigh too much, don’t know how to pose, or have too many stretch marks. I loved showing them the photos from their shoot and showing that they can feel beautiful as well as owning their own kind of beautiful. It all starts with the transformation.

The Transformation

The transformation that takes place in my studio is the best part of the whole experience for me.  It is more of a mental and emotional transformation. When you arrives in my studio, most of the time you will be nervous, sometimes even shaking or have sweaty hands and face!  We go through the clothing you bring and then you sit in the chair to get your hair and makeup done, the transformation begins. You slowly starts to lose those signs of nervousness and anxiousness. We chat about all sorts of things and pamper you till you feel beautiful and relaxed.

Then the photo session starts. The first outfit is to get you all warmed up. When I show you the back of the camera after the first series, I usually hear “OH MY GOD, that’s me? NO WAY that’s me!”. As we go into the next series and then the next, the laughter and smiles start to come out.  Then you start to feel sexy. The sexy eyes come out. You can feel yourself feeling beautiful, sexy, and confident. By the time we finish the session we’re friends. We’ve just shared an experience that you will always remember. We’ve laughed and shared stories about our lives.

During the ordering reveal when I show you your photos, your jaw drop. You see yourself like you never have before. You see yourself how your friends, family and loved ones see you.  They see the beauty everyday but you might have forgotten. The amazing thing about boudoir is that I get to show YOU that beauty. When you walk out the studio door, your smiling so big, your stride is strong and you are carrying yourself with a bit more confidence.  You can’t wait to tell all your friends about what you just did.

Boudoir Photography is so much more than photos. It’s about self-acceptance, body positivity, acceptance and art. It is about getting all dolled  up and laughing your butt off. It’s about the transformation that takes place between the time you walk in my studio and walk back out that door. It is about feeling beautiful, and that is something I believe every person deserves. It’s about having a photograph that you truly love of yourself.

Let me show you your sparkle. Let me help remind you how to love and be proud yourself.

It is my job to help you own your beautiful.


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